S/P2 Training | How It Works

S/P2’s industry-specific online training is used by more than 250,000 students and employees every year.



  • 100% online
  • Industry recognized credentials (OSHA and EPA)
  • Rooftop pricing, so you can train everyone for one low price!
  • Used in all 50 states and Canada
  • S/P2 has trained more than 1 million people

Online training means consistent delivery of content whenever and wherever your students or staff access the course materials.

Administrative tracking provides information about the user, which courses they completed, score, and how much time was spent in that course. Make OSHA, EPA, and HR compliance easy, and add additional courses that help improve your team and your organization.

S/P2 works with the automotive service, collision repair and refinish, heavy-duty/diesel, welding, construction, cosmetology, and culinary industries. In addition to our OSHA and EPA training, S/P2 covers topics in ethics, human resources, mentoring, sustainability, and soft skills.

Our course offerings differ slightly for businesses and schools. Find the S/P2 programs that are right for you.

Got questions? Check out our FAQ pages. Contact the S/P2 team with any questions that you have.